Jingle Bell Walk
Jingle Bell Walk 2015-12-06
please read!
*Please note: Attendance and participation in the 12th annual Jingle Bell Walk is not without risk. In doing so you agree to walk at your own risk and waive and release Greyhound Adventures from any and all liability from any unforeseen event. You also agree to be responsible for your dog and his/her behavior.
If your dog is not good with other dogs or other breeds, PLEASE consider leaving him/her at home. If you are unsure please bring a muzzle.
This year we ring a bell for:
Ali, Bella, Beth, Bixby, Bridgette, Brinks, Caesar, Candi, Cella, Chick, Connie, Connor, Daisy, Fast, Faye, Gabe, Kelsey, Joey, Johnny B., Lily, Lizzy, Manley, Mister, Mocha, Molly, Pound, Priscilla, Ruby, Soul, Star, Tatum, Tucker, Zeus, Zoe
Jingle Bell Walk 2013-12-01
What is The Jingle Bell Walk?
During the 12th Annual Jingle Bell Walk, we will be celebrating the lives of some very special hounds who have left us during the year. In their honor, we will be raising funds to support the many resources made available by The Greyhound Health Initiative including canine cancer support and research. Festive dress on humans and hounds is encouraged. Each dog will receive a commemorative jingle bell to ring.
The Greyhound Health Initiative
The Greyhound Health Initiative's mission is to improve the health of sighthounds through the education of both sighthound parents and their veterinary healthcare providers about their unique medical conditions. The Greyhound Health Initiative is working with sighthound adoption groups by providing direct veterinary care and funds and will continue research into cancer and other medical issues afflicting greyhounds.